The framework for building advanced energy applications
Multiple years of experience in the energy sector, siphoned into a framework that addresses the complexities of building modern energy applications.
A solid start
Streamlined energy application development

Energy applications are particularly demanding. Strict access requirements, large volumes of data, sophisticated analytics, complex visualizations, demanding integrations, and so on.

Before you can even begin you have to consider infrastructure, authentication, authorization, logging, monitoring, CI/CD, backup routines, data storage, and more.

Foundation gets all of this out of the way, letting you focus on core functionality and innovation.

Operational awareness
Energy optimization
Balancing market services
Centralized data access
Digital twins
Framework vs platform
Built on Foundation,
owned by you

Foundation is a framework, not a platform. It runs in an environment of your own choosing and you own the resulting applications. You decide what parts of the framework you want to use, and you're free to create custom implementations of the parts you don't.

Create on top of a sound infrastructure
  • Reliable, pre-configured Kubernetes setup for easy deployment, streamlining app building and scaling.
  • Carefully selected stack including best-in-class tools.
  • Seamlessly operates on cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) and supports on-premise deployments, allowing organizations to select their preferred environment.
  • Foundation simplifies CI/CD complexity, providing a streamlined pipeline for automation, testing, and precise deployment, ensuring faster cycles, top-quality releases, and reduced operational burden with full deployment control.
Resources & access control
Manage your resources and control who can access what
  • All resources (e.g. assets, buildings) neatly organized in an easy-to-use interface, fully integrated with data inputs and outputs, and exposed to applications via an API.
  • Authentication out of the box. Support for single sign-on (SSO) and integration with third-party identity providers such as Azure Active Directory.
  • A central location for all of your authorization logic accessible to all of your services.
  • RBAC (Role based access control) system with support for inheritance (between roles and resources), multi-tenancy, per-role permission assignments, and ability to configure access down to specific resources.
  • All authentication requests and authorization decisions are logged and easy to access.
<Can action="read" on="documents:secret">
    <Link to="documents/secret">Secret document</Link>
Data ingestion, transformation, storage, and extraction
  • Push data into Foundation or pull it from external sources on interval.
  • Create workflows to transform and store data for analysis, visualization, and extraction.
  • Data catalog features that allow you to make sense of, and find, relevant data.
  • Multiple standard ways of exposing data (built-in JSON-based query language, parameterized SQL queries, and fully customized extraction endpoints). All goverened by the authorization system.
  • First-class support for timeseries data.
  "fields": [{ "agg": "avg", "name": "temperature" }],
  "interval": "30m",
  "partitions": ["station"],
  "ordering": [],
  "conditions": [
    { "operator": "gt", "field": "temperature", "value": "30" }
Client applications
Craft custom energy application UIs with Fabric

Foundation includes Fabric, a purpose-built React component library that seamlessly integrates with Foundation, expediting development of internal and external applications.

  • A rich library of carefully crafted components that enable developers to build robust and feature-rich applications with speed and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive theme system tuned to cater to the intricate demands of data visualization.
  • Information design tools that seamlessly integrate with Foundation's extraction formats, simplifying development of data visualizations.
  • Extra packages that include functionality to work with geospatial data, charts, forms, dates, and more.
Include forecasts
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Want to know more?
Foundation enables both small and large companies to create exceptional energy applications.
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